An idea for your app
Let's start to think about the app you'll be working on for the duration of this course.
Good ideas
You are free to use or take inspiration from these example apps:
- An event management app where an organiser can create an event and members of the public see details of the event, and maybe even reserve a place.
- A room booking app where users can see the rooms available in a building and make a booking. Maybe the app will warn if a booking overlaps with an existing one.
- A library app where a librarian can add books to a virtual library and members of the public can see the books available, and maybe even request to borrow one.
- A TV show tracker which keeps track of TV shows the user has entered and sends them reminders when new episodes are released.
- A conference app allowing delegates to see the events on offer and letting conference organisers add and maybe even change events.
- A job board which admins can add job adverts to and normal users can browse through and maybe even apply.
To get the most out of this course you should try to pick an idea that follows certain criteria.
(If you're familiar with agile delivery, you can consider these your non-functional requirements.)
Store some kind of data
This could be a list of:
- books
- events
- outfits
- TV shows
- user profiles
Allow user interaction
A user should be able to interact with the app and modify it - rather than simply present content to the user
Serve at least two kinds of user
This could be as simple as "normal" users and administrators
Check out an example of how a room booking app might fulfil those requirements:
Minimum viable product
Don't worry about everything being perfect at this stage.
We will be continuously refining your concept throughout this course. There will be plenty opportunities for you to revisit the choices you make at the start later on.
Whilst the app you have in mind may have a ton of features, we suggest you focus on the simplest ones for now.
If, after a module or two, you are struggling to keep up you may be trying to implement too many features.
Although you will have a working app by the end of this course, it will not be a "complete" one. Part of working in an agile way means being open to continuous improvement.
To do
Decide on a concept for your app and think about some basic features
Part of Get started
- What you'll make
- How you'll learn
- An idea for your appP
- Describing your ideaP
- Prototyping your ideaP
- Share your workP