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Create your server

Until now, we've been dealing purely with code that runs on the client—a web browser.

But as we learned in an earlier module, the HTML, CSS and Javascript files are sent from a server.

In this module, we're going to take the prototypes we've been building in Codepen and turn them into the start of a real, working app. We're going to use a different platform, Codenvy, to do this.

What Codenvy does

Codenvy is going to be your server.

It's more complicated than Codepen, but also much more capable.

Unlike Codepen, which runs only in your browser, Codenvy is an interface that is connected up to a real server.

Because of this, we can write code we want the server to run, as well as the HTML, CSS and Javascript we've already written.

We will only use Codenvy from now on.

Create a workspace

We're going to create a workspace on Codenvy.

A workspace is Codenvy's term for a server. Your app will run on this server.

We're going to call the workspace my-workspace. You can call it anything you want.

We're also going to choose a stack for our workspace. This is a collection of pre-installed software that will help us build an app quicky.

Unless told otherwise, the default options Codenvy suggests will work for us.


  1. Go to Codenvy and create an account
  2. Click 'Create workspace' in the left sidebar
  3. From the 'Select stack' section, choose the 'Node - Default Node Stack with Node 7' option
  4. Hit 'Create'
Lessons last updated 12th July 2019. You can improve this lesson on Github.
Part of Web servers
  1. Create your serverP
  2. Create your appP
  3. Node and the terminalP
  4. More about the terminalP
  5. Web frameworksP
  6. Using ExpressP
  7. Serving static files
  8. Views and templates
  9. Routing
  10. Real data
  11. Includes
  12. Get confident with Express
  13. Build your app in ExpressP